Can’t Find Password and Verification Emails

Password and Verification Emails Don’t Land in Inbox Sometimes our clients have been unable to re-set their WordPress password because the email has not landed in their inbox. But it’s not limited to people editing WordPress websites. Most online sites have forgot...

How to Manage Your Passwords

How to Manage Your Passwords I recently attended a Cyber Security seminar and the presenter mentioned that most of us are now the proud owners of between 100 and 200 log ins to online sites. From Facebook, to email to your favourite online game, shopping or...

Clear Your Cache

Ever Been Told to Clear Your Cache? Sometimes an IT person or web developer will ask you to clear your cache. Clearing the cache can solve a lot of odd problems. It can be done at anytime without any adverse effects. Although it doesn’t cause any harm in clearing your...

Cleaning your Laptop at Home

Cleaning your Laptop at Home There’s two parts to cleaning your laptop, the hardware and the software. In this article we’ll focus on the hardware, or the outside, of the laptop. Firstly, let’s put those usual household cleaners away – they are not recommended for the...

8 Productivity Apps to Use as a Sole Trader

8 Productivity Apps to Use as a Sole Trader Having your own business is great. You are free to make your own decisions and work the hours you wish. If you're self-employed, like to travel while on business, or maybe just need a productivity boost, using apps can help...

Why calling IT support is like losing a shoe

Is the computer driving you crazy? Have you had enough? The button you clicked didn’t work, the screen you were on suddenly disappears, there’s another pop-up that comes from nowhere doing what-ever it wants to do. You might not know who to call to help you and even...