Digital Marketing Training

SEO for Beginners Podcast

Aug 8, 2022 SEO Podcast

In July 2022 Fiona from DIY Digital was interviewed by Anatolii Ulitovskyi of

In this Episode

In episode 231 of Anatolli's Unmiss SEO podcast, Fiona and Anatolli discuss

  • Writing Text
  • Using Words People Use
  • Answering Client Enquiries
  • Working with Copywriters
  • GT Metrix for Technical SEO
  • Identifying Errors
  • Top 3 things for Websites and Website Developers
  • What a Website Doesn't Need

Click on the play button to listen to the full episode.

Writing Text

Writing a page about your products or services is a great starting point for your SEO. Google loves text. Create or update a page on your website, for example a

  • Service Page
  • Blog Article
  • Product Page
  • Collection Page

Use Words People Use

Using words people use in everyday language is usually the best option for SEO. Don't be too academic. For example

  • Teacher is used more in everyday language than educator
  • Moisteriser is used more in everday language than Bodycare

Use Google Trends to get an idea about words that are used as search terms.

Answer Client Inquiries

Most businesses will have questions that customers and clients repeatedly ask. These client inquiries are great ideas for writing about your business in a blog article. These articles are useful beyond existing for Search Engine Optimisation purposes, as they are a helpful resource for clients and customers.

Work with Copywriters

If you're not able or interested in writing about your products or services, you can hire a copywriter to do this for you. Copywriters are experts in researching and getting to know different businesses and products.

Allow a copywriter time to get to know your products or services. Work with them, especially in the early stages, to ensure they get to know your voice and your business.

GT Metrix for Technical SEO

GT Metrix is a useful, free tool that can be used to measure a website's technical health, such as

  • page load speed
  • image sizes
  • broken links
  • out-of-date software
  • old or no caching

Often a site that has been left to languish for more than 3-4 years has a poor result. GT Metrix gives us insight into how the website is performing and what technical items need to be addressed for good SEO.

Identifying Errors

When people are on a website that appears a bit odd, because of an error, this often translates into not trusting the business. We don't tend to notice sites that work well and are seamless, but we do notice them when something is amiss.

Fixing these errors is what website developers do as part of their day-to-day job.

Often there are errors that not even the website developer has seen before. In this instance they are likely to:

  • read online forums on the issue to see if other website developers are talking about the problem
  • lodge a support ticket
  • wait for the software author to fix the problem and release it in the next update

Top 3 Things for Websites and Website Developers

1. Keep the website up-to-date and maintained

2. Store and be able to retrieve usernames and passwords for:

  • WordPress website
  • Google Analytics
  • Google My Business

or for what-ever online platforms being used.

Encourage clients to have a system for their usernames and passwords, whether that be:

  • a paper notepad
  • an Excel spreadsheet
  • an electronic password manager

3. Have a back up of the site

What a Website Doesn't Need

Most websites don't need moving parts, bells and whistles. Keeping it simple is often the best, especially for small businesses.

    SEO course

    SEO Course

    A practical, step-by-step video course with screenshots, examples, explanations and demonstrations. Carefully created and produced video tutorials for your learning.

    Especially suitable for e-commerce sites or multi-page websites.

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