Creating a Blog Article

Some websites will use the Divi Editor to create new blog articles, others will use the default WordPress editor (called the Gutenberg editor). Download .pdf - Add Blog Article with the Divi Editor Download .pdf - Add Blog Article with the Gutenberg...

Pages vs Posts

In this video we look at the difference between WordPress pages and WordPress posts (or blogs). In the .pdf we look at the difference between; Pages Posts Projects Products Download .pdf - Pages, Posts, Projects &...

WordPress Unboxed

WordPress is a very popular website builder. The open source nature of WordPress means there are hundreds and thousands of innovative and clever people writing themes and plug-ins for it. If your site has been built using the Divi theme and pagebuilder you need to...

Testimonials, Videos, Call-to-Action and Buttons

In this lesson we cover how to edit 4 modules in Divi other than the text and image ones. The 4 modules covered are: Testimonials Videos Call-to-Action Buttons Assumed knowledge for this topic is that you can: edit text in Divi understand how to use images on a...

WordPress Dashboard

This is a lesson for beginners who have never edited a WordPress website...